DARI : The 5 Step Process

DARI has built a variety of applications and data models to help reduce the burden of motion health for our community of users. Below is an overview of the current solutions offered. If you would like to learn more, click above to schedule an online demo. We are happy to discuss our applications built to fit your needs.
Each step through the DARI process helps illustrate an advancement in Motion Health technology. Review each step and the corresponding technologies below to better understand the DARI ecosystem.
Initially select the hardware pack for your motion capture needs. The abilities between system hardwares are related to capture frequency, computer processing, mobility, and security. The following softwares and data models are uniquely connected to specific hardware applications.
DARI Sports

+ High Capture Frequency
+ High Computing
+ Mobility Package
+ Cabling and Accessories

+ Optimal Capture Frequency
+ Optimal Computing
+ Mobility Package
+ Cabling and Accessories
DARI Health

+ FDA Cleared & Regulated
+ Optimal Capture Frequency
+ Optimal Computing
+ Mobility Package
+ Cabling and Accessories
The software packages create the environment for management of motion capture data. From end - to - end the ability to quickly and efficiently get to actions steps is the software design and feature. These are options that are part of all hardware solution and not optional.

DARI Connect
+ Session manager - Allows you to keep track of each subject's captured data.
+ Create custom fields to help allow you to better define your population.
+ Asynchronous session creation allows you to optimize your workflow.
+ Processing portal - Allows you direct access to DARI's processing engine.
+ Web portal - Allows access to your data anywhere in the world.

DARI Capture
+ Skeleton acquisition in less than 5 seconds.
+ A Standardized skeleton to remove human error and increase repeatability.
+ Fully body kinematic and kinetics. Always.
+ Protocol design and implementation. Only collect what you need.
+ Researched and 3rd party validated.

+ Rapid clinical documentation. Determine medical necessity in seconds.
+ "One click" annotations to help reduce your documentation time.
+ Free form documentation to tell your perfect story about the patient.
+ Synchronized video and data to deliver the most clear message.
+ Report of findings creation. Aggregating all your annotations for the session.

+ Rapid training documentation. Determine training necessity in seconds.
+ "One click" annotations to help reduce your documentation time.
+ Free form documentation to tell your perfect story about the athlete.
+ Synchronized video and data to deliver the most clear message.
+ Report of findings report creation. Aggregating all your annotations for the session.
DARI data models are ways to provide a data reduction methodology to the vastness of biomechanical data. Each model is a DARI data driven way to isolate and categories movement for a meanful reference. Ultimarly, providing insightful information to providers so that actions steps can be more easily made and communicated.

Motion Age
+ The Motion Age data model is an age rating metric creating a chronological age data base of normative ranges. Inside healthcare, we all know that as we age our physical dexterity also demises. Understanding just how much we change as we age used to be unknown due to the amount of data needed to determine that change. With DARI Motion's "Motion Age" data model it is finally possible.

Joint Vulnerability
+ The Joint Vulnerability model is designed to review you against the normative range. The DARI database has over 1 million files to help create this range. Specifically, it uses hundreds of variables across a variety of movement to help tell a simple story of whether your joint motions are in a normative range. It helps any user better understand where to look closer in more detailed reports without having to be a PhD in biomechanics.

Data Models
+ The Readiness model is designed to compare you to you. Utilizing an anthropometric approach, readiness is a cumulative data reduction model that utilizes other data models across a variety of movement to help tell a simple story of whether your body is ready/prepared for movement. This is a singular overview metric to help communicate the status of a subject.

+ Athleticism is a cumulative data reduction model that uses other data models across a variety of movements to help tell a simple story of whether your empirical measurements for performance are high or low compared to population ranges (higher is better). This is like ‘Readiness’, but rather than an internal comparison, it is an external comparison. This is a singular (overview) metric to help communicate the overall performance of the subject.

+ Clinical data is a breakdown of all possible biomechanical signals from motion capture and funneled into the most relevant data for clinical applications. This process takes 40,000 data points per movement and delivers 400 total data points of clinical focus. From this, healthcare staff can work to apply the most repeatable signals to documenting clinical outcomes.
New Models Coming In 2021

Joint Age
+ The Joint Age data model is an age rating metric creating a chronological age data base of normative ranges. Inside healthcare, we all know that as we age our physical dexterity also demises. Specifically, it can be identified at the joint level. Similar to Motion Age DARI providers this age breakdown, but is now applying it on a more narrow approach.

Metabolic Metrics
+ Metabolic utilization is a model design to evaluate what energy source your body would be optimized for using to help improve overall performance and recovery. The goal is to help better understand your muscle’s needs based on your biomechanical profile.

Body Metrics
+ Anthropometrics is the comparative study of the measurements and capabilities of the human body. Each person has unique lengths and circumferences. Based on those properties, DARI can determine your body shape and compositions. This can be impactful in better understanding your motion health status.