Thank You For Completing A DARI Screen!
Now Lets Focus on Improving.
Foundational Exercises
Knee Strengthening Exercises
Below is your knee strengthening exercise program.
During your DARI Motion Screen it was noted that knee strength is an area of opportunity for you. To improve this joints function, complete the following exercises to improve your overall motion health. If you are experiencing any pain before or while completing your recommendations stop immediately.
Complete this program 2-3x a week for the next 3 months.
After completing 1 set rest for at least 1 minutes before starting the next set. If pain is experienced stop the exercise.
Knee Strengthening - Exercise 1
Clamshell w/ Bodyweight
Lay sideways on the floor or solid surface.
Stack the legs, flex the hips and knees until they are each at about 45° with the feet (heels) inline with the butt/spine.
While maintaining foot contact and the pelvis vertical on its side, pull the top knee away from the bottom knee until an end point is reach.
15 Total
After completing 1 set rest for at least 1 minutes before starting the next set. If pain is experienced stop the exercise.
Knee Strengthening - Exercise 2
Single Leg Balance w/ 3-Way Toe Taps
Lift the non-stance foot from the ground,
Reach the non-stance foot forward by descending the body with the stance leg and adjusting the trunk accordingly,
Repeat step (2) reaching the foot to the side.
Repeat step (2) reaching the foot backwards.
Switch Sides.
15 Total
After completing 1 set rest for at least 1 minutes before starting the next set. If pain is experienced stop the exercise.
Knee Strengthening - Exercise 3
Squat w/ Mini Band Above Knees
Place the band just above the knee caps.
Spread the feet to be hip to shoulder with apart
Descend the body using the hip, knee, and ankles, being sure to place resistance out against the band as if to stretch it.
Extend the arms forward, leaning the torso to counter the natural backward motion of the hips.
Once able depth is reached, push through the ground extending the knees and hips returning to the starting position.
15 Total