Thank You For Completing A DARI Screen!
Now Lets Focus on Improving.
Knee Mobility Stretches
Below is your knee mobility stretching program.
During your DARI Motion Screen it was noted that knee mobility is an area of opportunity for you. To improve this joints function, complete the following stretches to improve your overall motion health. If you are experiencing any pain before or while completing your recommendations stop immediately.​ If you are experiencing any pain before or while completing your recommendations stop immediately.
Complete this program 2-3x a week for the next 3 months.
After completing 1 set rest for at least 1 minutes before starting the next set. If pain is experienced stop the exercise.
Knee Mobility - Exercise 1
Calf Pressure - Foam Roller
Sit on the floor placing the lower calf on top of the foam roller.
Using your arms and hips to regulate pressure, move the calf over the roller finding the places of highest tension.
This may include tilting the leg side to side, and travelling from the bottom of the achilles tendon to the backside of the knee.
If more pressure is desired, the free leg may be placed atop the targeted leg.
15 Total
After completing 1 set rest for at least 1 minutes before starting the next set. If pain is experienced stop the exercise.
Knee Mobility - Exercise 2
Calf Stretch (Gastroc) - Seated Figure Four w/ Foot Elevated
Sit on the floor with the backside of the ankle atop a foam roller so that the knee is suspended off the floor,
Place the band/strap over the midfoot/front of the arch,
Cross the non-stretch leg over the stretch leg so that the ankle is above the knee,
Sit up tall, use the band/strap to assist with pulling the toes toward the shin,
Lean forward bringing the stomach to the lap.
15 Total
After completing 1 set rest for at least 1 minutes before starting the next set. If pain is experienced stop the exercise.
Knee Mobility - Exercise 3
Tibialis Anterior Pressure - Foam Roller
Begin on hands and knees with a foam roller beneath the stomach,
Lift one leg and turn the lower leg/knee inward so that the outer part of the shin is on the foam roller.
Using your arms and free leg to regulate pressure, roll the muscle up and down the foam roller from the top of the ankle to just below the front outer portion of the knee looking for places of high tension.
15 Total