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Thank You For Completing A DARI Screen!

Now Lets Focus on Improving.

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Hip Corrective Exercises

Below is your hip corrective exercise program.

During your DARI Motion Screen it was noted that you had poor hip alignment.  To improve this joints function and reduce its vulnerability complete the following exercises to improve your overall motion health.


Complete this program every day for 4 weeks and then schedule your next DARI Motion Screen.

After completing 1 set rest for at least 1 minutes before starting the next set.  If pain is experienced stop the exercise.

Hip Corrective - Exercise 1

Side Lying Hip Internal Rotation w/Bodyweight

  1. Lay on side with the side down arm extended overhead to make a pillow for the head. 

  2. Bend the legs so that the hips and knees are at roughly 45° and place a rolled up towel or yoga block between the knees.

  3. Through the hip, lift the top foot from the bottom foot placing slight pressure into the wedge between the knees, until the hip reaches an end point then return the foot.


15 Total 


After completing 1 set rest for at least 1 minutes before starting the next set.  If pain is experienced stop the exercise.

Hip Corrective - Exercise 2

Glute Bridge w/ Bodyweight

  1. Lay down with feet flat on the floor so that the knees are at roughly 45°.

  2. Roll the hips under pressing into the ground with the feet to drive the hips up toward the ceiling.

  3. Heels only against the ground (toes lifted) may be used to place a greater emphasis on the glutes.


15 Total 


After completing 1 set rest for at least 1 minutes before starting the next set.  If pain is experienced stop the exercise.

Hip Corrective - Exercise 3

Hip Circumduction

  1. Begin on the hands and knees (quadruped position).

  2. Lift one knee off the ground and initiate the exercise by lifting the leg out to the side until an end is reached.

  3. At that end roll the hip/leg backwards into extension and back down to start, repeating this for the prescribed reps, then performing this action in the opposite direction.


15 Total 


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