
Thank You For Completing A DARI Screen!
Now Lets Focus on Improving.
Hip Strengthening Exercises
Below is your hip strengthening exercise program.
During your DARI Motion Screen it was noted that hip strength is an area of opportunity for you. To improve this joints function, complete the following exercises to improve your overall motion health. If you are experiencing any pain before or while completing your recommendations stop immediately.
Complete this program 2-3x a week for the next 3 months.
After completing 1 set rest for at least 1 minutes before starting the next set. If pain is experienced stop the exercise.
Hip Strengthening - Exercise 1
Adduction Kicks w/ Side Lying Leg Lift
Lay down on your side with the bottom arm extended overhead to make a pillow for the head.
Straighten the bottom leg and bring the top leg toward the upper body placing the foot flat on the ground so that the shin is ‘vertical’.
Lift the leg toward the ceiling as high as possible for the prescribed reps.
15 Total
After completing 1 set rest for at least 1 minutes before starting the next set. If pain is experienced stop the exercise.
Hip Strengthening - Exercise 2
Kneeling Star fish
Lay down on your side with the forearm of the bottom arm in contact with the ground.
Bend the legs so that the knees and hips are at roughly 45°.
Simultaneously press through the forearm and the bottom leg to lift the hips into the air so that only the forearm and bottom leg are in contact with the ground.
If able, lift the top leg away from the bottom leg as the hips raise.
15 Total
After completing 1 set rest for at least 1 minutes before starting the next set. If pain is experienced stop the exercise.
Hip Strengthening - Exercise 3
Crab Walk w/ Resistance Band
Open the resistance band and place both feet inside the band at roughly hip width apart.
Cross the band over itself creating an ‘x’ at its center, and pulling it taught by bringing the hands to the hips and locking them onto the hips.
Slightly bend the knees and hips while maintaining a vertical upper body.
Simultaneously press the front foot to the side taking a step while pushing with the trail leg to maintain the body over the feet evenly.
15 Total